Charles William Green 1811-1884
Charles William Green was born in 1811 at Thurnham in Kent,
and was the third son of John & Ann (nee Turner). His father was a papermaker
working at Chafford Mill at Fordcombe
near Tunbridge Wells. His mother, Ann,
was the sister of William Turner who owned Chafford
Mill[1] at the time.
His father, John, purchased Hayle
Mill near Maidstone in Kent
from John Pine in 1817. Pine, in
partnership with Thomas Smith built what was then considered a state-of-the-art
papermill between the years 1805 and 1808. When Charles was old enough he joined his
father and elder brother, John Jnr[2], in the business.
September of 1818, during an extensive tour of paper mills in Kent, Alexander Cowan and
his son Charles, of Valleyfield Mills, Penicuik “were invariably received with much kindness,
often with a cordial welcome, particularly by Messrs Green at Hayle Mill, and Mr Allnutt at Ivy
Mill, near Maidstone”.[3] When the Cowans mechanized their mills[4] they had a great deal of their handmade orders made by the
Greens - indeed they were one of their best customers.
successful in the trade, a number of related circumstances contributed to the
decline of their businesses[5] and in 1838 John Green snr. John
Green jnr. and Charles were declared bankrupt. From a letter written during the 1930s, John
Green senior’s granddaughter wrote that she was told by her cousin, “that the
cause of the bankruptcy was that John Green jnr
believed that he was discovering better ways of paper making, and although many
of the new ideas were clever and promising, the fault lay in interrupting the
regular work and stopping producing paper in the profitable old ways”[6]. There may also have been other reasons for the
failure. The winter weather in 1836/37
was harsh and in 1838 “was a season of singularly severe and protracted frost, I
believe about eight weeks' duration, it in consequence got the name of the
Canadian Winter”[7], and these conditions may well have caused problems with
paper production.
John Green snr's
brother, Samuel, managed to pay all of his brother’s debts and purchased the
Mill from the receivers. A surveyor by trade, he had little knowledge of
papermaking and kept his brother on as Mill manager with the understanding that
he would train his son, John Barcham Green, to take
over the business, which he did in the 1852. Having lost control of the family business John
jnr. and Charles were forced to find work elsewhere. John Green jnr. became a paper agent travelling
the country extensively, and in the 1860s formed the company of John Green
& Sons Paper Agents at 48a Moorgate E.C. He and his sons continued to trade
with his cousin J B Green at Hayle Mill and there are
many surviving letters and orders in the company archive revealing the extent
of their business dealings.
Charles career from this period was somewhat chequered. Initially he moved to the West Country and in
1841 was shown as a paper master in the Silverton district, possibly working at
Cullumpton Paper Mill. By 1843 when he married Jemima Young, who
came from Llandago, Monmouthshire, south east Wales, he was shown as an accountant at Brockweir, both places being adjacent to the Whitebrook
1843/44 the newly married couple moved to Penicuik, where
Charles had secured a job working for the Cowan family. He was eventually made foreman
in Valleyfield Mill paper mill. Their
children were born in Penicuik - Charles Edward in
October 1844, Catherine Maria in February 1850 and John Henry in December
1853. It appears that Charles had
finally settled down roots and according to an account in the history of Penicuik Cricket Club[8].
“Cricket was introduced to Penicuik by an Englishman from Kent called Charles W Green. He was
a foreman papermaker at Valleyfield Mill and, with the support of some local
gentlemen, formed the Club in 1844. The
first team was made up entirely of papermakers and Charles captained the Eleven for many years and had considerable
success. He was a good bat and round-arm bowler (the only one in the team
as most men bowled underarm). From personal reminiscences of other players CWG was
described as being an enthusiastic and energetic man who had a keen sense of
humour, and was known to have worn clogs, which was common at the time. The
first extant Penicuik scorecard is of a match in 1853
at home to Dalkeith, when both sides had only 10
players. Dalkeith scored 18 and 46 while Penicuik made 60 and 6 for 2, winning by 7 wickets. Green
opened the batting in the first innings and was bowled for 9.”[9].
The description of his personality was
somewhat at odds with what was written in later letters, either from him to
members of the family or about him.

The Esk at Penicuik
and Cowan & Co.'s Valleyfield Mills around 1835[10]
However, by 1854 he had left Scotland travelling to Canada to take up the position of foreman at the
Valleyfield Mill in Quebec.
No evidence has yet been uncovered why he decided to leave the Cowan’s
employment. From a letter written in
November by his sister Elizabeth it
appears the family did not go with him, his daughter Katie was living with her
Green Aunts who wrote “We still have
little Katie with us and we all feel very glad that Mrs Charles Green has been
prevailed upon to delay her voyage to Canada till the Spring”[11]
move to Canada did not
appear to work out well and by November 1856 he had returned to Kent.
A letter written by his nephew John Philip Green reveals that “The next morning I walked over to Tovil to see Uncle Charles whom I thought looking thin and
anxious. They say that the Canada
visit has had a very injurious effect on him.
He seems to have liked the place and would have stayed but the climate
was too changeable & severe. I do not fancy he will stay much longer where
he is & wish he may soon find a more comfortable settlement which I am sure
he deserves. He told me that one of the Cowans said to him that since he had been with them their
paper had improved 10 per cent which on a capital of £80 or £90.00 is a large
sum and it seems hard that Charles should not have had more benefit from the
services he rendered”[12]
It is
likely that his cousin, John Barcham Green,
recommended him for the job of foreman at Upper Tovil
Mill at Loose near Maidstone, and from March
1856 until late 1859 there are many communications between the cousins and
their respective mills.

Watermark J Green & Sons 1853
during this period he became involved with another cousin, Charles Courthorpe Green and his partner Harry Rawson trading as Messrs.
Green, Rawson, and Co, at Whitebrook. This partnership was dissolved in September1860[13] and the mill was taken over by
George Courthorpe Green.

Fernside Mill, Whitebrook c1970[14]
February 1860 Charles William Green wrote to John Barcham
Green from Bow where he and the family had moved as by then he was working for
Lloyds Engineering Works “Shall be some months before we start here at Bow it is a nice Mill
in some respects, but there will be one difficulty I anticipate & that is
water. I think something is likely to be done with Whitebrook,
but whether it will be advantageous to GC Green or the Creditors I can’t say.
All I say is the Creditors ought to look well to the settlement on GC Green’s
wife if the Mill is either sold or let for a greater amount than the cost”.[15] In December
his brother John jnr writing to their cousin at Hayle Mill remarked “The affair at Whitebrook has
certainly been disastrous for all Parties – I am very glad that I had nothing
to do with the matter directly or indirectly, as far as Charles is concerned I rather
think he has an opening for an engagement that perhaps may after all be better
for him than a ‘mastership’ ”[16].
job also did not appear to go well and in a letter from J Millington to John Barcham Green in March 1861 he wrote “Mr
C. W. Green is like a fish out of water here, he has no pulp - nor cannot smell
Bleach, he wishes to be remembered to you”[17].
By January 1862 C W Green wrote to his cousin from Bow saying “Having agreed to go to a mill in the West on more
advantageous terms than I obtained at Lloyd’s Mill and having to go there in
March. Some time ago I gave Lloyd notice of my intention to leave in three
months, Lloyd at this communication got into a rage, denied that he agreed to a
notice for 3 months, had told me he should have nothing more to do with me, but
said that he was quite satisfied with the starting of the mill, and way things
had gone on. We certainly did get better boiled stuff here than any I saw at Simpson’s[18] with 90lbs tho here we only had
50lbs and less alkali. The way Lloyd has treated me has led to great
inconvenience to me after that horrid Whitebrook
affair, which I had pretty well got over, and was hoping to be able to pay the
money you so generously lent me I am ashamed to ask you to favor
me with the loan of 15 or 20£, but as I shall better myself by the change if
you will stand my friend I will pay you in quarterly instalments. I hope you
will not be angry with me for this request – which I would not on any account
make if I had not good prospects and I feel some delicacy in applying to the
party to whom I am going. I have had
advice and they say Lloyd is bound to pay me.”[19]
Later in the month he wrote again “A friend of mine when I
was at Whitebrook offered to lend me a few hundreds,
which I did not avail myself of as G Green did not keep his accounts in good
enough order to enable me to arrive at a conclusion as to when I could repay it
as I don’t want to write to him for a small sum myself & you say you are a
borrower, I shall have much pleasure in writing to him for the loan of a few hundreds if it will be of any service to you as I have no
specific object in view to employ capital to any amount at present. With thanks
for past favors”[20]
It is not clear what happened next. In February 1867 his elder brother,
Henry, who was by then the Unitarian
Minister of Brook Street Chapel at Knutsford in Cheshire, when writing
to John Barcham Green, told him
that “My brother Charles
yesterday began an engagement with the Wrigleys of Bury, Lancashire, and
I am hopeful it will be a permanent one”[21]. However, once again permanence was not to be, and by August Charles wrote from the Oil
Mills at Lower Tovil near Maidstone to Thos. H Brooke of Bridge Hall
Mills, Bury, asking him if he would call
at Brenchley’s Brewery to enquire if they had a ‘Public’ to let as he was
‘disgusted with foremanship’. If not a public house could he inform him what he would recommend for the investment on
business of a small capital[22].
Brooke passed this letter to Frank Green[23],
Charles nephew, the son of John
Green jnr, which resulted in Frank writing to his uncle requesting he repaid the loan he had made him
sometime before.

By now Charles was a widower in his mid fifties with his
job prospects still uncertain and only having his youngest son John still at
home[24]. In the
1871 census he is listed as being employed in a paper mill, living at Bank Mill
Lands, Penicuik with his son John shown as also
working in the Mill. It seems likely
that if he had to repay his nephew and settle other debts, he decided that a return to working in
would be advantageous for his son giving him the opportunity to serve an
apprenticeship. His son John was remembered as a very quiet man who did not
appear to have shared his father’s passion for cricket. How long father and son continued to live at Penicuik has not yet been established, but in a later reference in the cricket history, the author writes, after describing a cricket match, 'Many years after, when
Green was an old man, I asked him about the match.'[25]
By 1881 both Charles and his son had moved south and the
census lists Charles as a Gentleman, living with his daughter Catherine and
two of his sisters[26] in Teignmouth, Devon. John is shown as a clerk paper maker living
in Mile End and by 1891 as a papermaker living in Islington.
After a somewhat troubled career Charles William Green died
aged 74 and is buried in the Old
Cemetery at Teignmouth alongside his two sisters Elizabeth Ellis and
Maria Louisa Green. From surviving
correspondence Charles appeared to have had to ask for loans on many occasions
but despite this he did leave an estate valued at £290.15s.1d. which
in this century would have had the purchasing power of about £14,000.
My thanks to Maureen Green for her help
and input. Penicuik Historical
Society for information about Valleyfield
and Penicuik, and Simon Green for allowing reproduction
from letters in the Hayle Mill Archive.
[1]The Turner Family and Chafford Mill No.389. The Quarterly No.52 p15 [see under papermills]
[2] John Green jnr born Penshurst
Kent 1803. Died London 1880. Buried at the Bessels Green Chapel, Sevenoaks, Kent.
[3] Reminiscences by Charles Cowan of Logan House, Printed for Private Circulation,
1878, p. 66
[4] The
Cowan family installed a Fourdrinier machine at
Valleyfield Mill in 1821
[5] The
family also leased Otham Mill near Maidstone
[6] Reminiscences of Isabella (nee Green) Jamieson. Born Knutsford
1841. Died London 1937. []
[7] Reminiscences by Charles Cowan of Logan House, Printed for
Private Circulation, 1878, p.112
Hundred Summers 1844-1944: Penicuik Cricket Club
[9]One Hundred Summers 1844-1944', Penicuik
Cricket Club publication
[11] Elizabeth
Matilda Green 1812-1902. Married Charles Ellis 1861 at Sidmouth
[12] Jamieson Archive (see letter
Notice of the partnership between George Courthope Green, Harry Rawson and Charles William
Green in the trade of business of Paper Manufacturers at Whitebrook in Monmouth and elsewhere, under the firm of
Messrs. Green, Rawson, and Co was this day dissolved by mutual consent, and in
future the business will be carried on by the said George Courthope
Green on his separate account, and who will pay and receive all debts owing
from and to the said partnership in the regular course of trade 3 September
1860. London
[15] Hayle Mill Archive February 1860 7/2/68
[16] Hayle Mill Archive December 1860 7/2/69
[17] Hayle Mill Archive March
1866 7/2/73
[18] Wm
Simpson was running Upper Tovil Mill when CWG was
working there.
[19] Hayle Mill Archive January 1862 7/2/85
[20] Hayle Mill Archive January 1862 7/2/85
[21] Hayle Mill Aarchive
February 1867 7/2/168
[22] Hayle Mill
Archive November 1867 7/2/177
[23] Frank Green was created a Baronet in 1900 and
became Lord Mayor of London 1900-1901
He died 3 December 1902
It appears that Charles wife Jemima had died sometime between 1861 – 67 but no
death information has been found.
One Hundred Summers 1844-1944', Penicuik Cricket Club publication.
[26] Louisa
Maria Green born Penshurst 1812 died London 1903 and Elizabeth
Ellis see FN 13.
Edited 25
November 2014